Post Abortion Counseling & Encouragement
Are you struggling with forgiving yourself for having an abortion? There is an answer for the personal and silent pain you are bearing. You can be free from the guilt and hurt. The vision of this group is to provide a pathway out of a dark past and step towards emotional and spiritual healing and restoration. Our group provides a safe and loving small group setting to share your story and to hear God’s message of love and forgiveness.
For more information please email us.
You may have made your choice willingly, without any hang ups or second thoughts. Or you might have felt pressured by other people that you care about and respect. Maybe you felt like it was your only option. In any case, you made a choice and you had no idea how that choice would affect you. You’re not alone. Women have found true freedom and healing from the pain of their abortions. It’s time to choose again – to make a choice to heal, to become strong, to be restored. We know that the choice is far from easy. We are here to help.
We offer a confidential, non-judgmental environment in which you can talk and consider group support if you choose.
Although not all women and men who experience abortion experience problems afterward, many do. Immediately following an abortion, you may feel a sense of relief that the crisis is over. After the abortion, the sense of relief may be replaced by some of the following:
- Depression
- Sadness
- Eating disorders
- Anxiety
- Feelings of low self-esteem
- Desire to avoid pregnant women and/or babies
- Recurring nightmares or flashbacks to the abortion experience
- Various types of addictive behaviors
Many credible studies have been done and psychologists are now recognizing PAS (Post-Abortion Stress) as a type of post-traumatic stress disorder.
To learn more about our healing and recovery group, click HERE.