Living in His Forgiveness desires to provide a safe place for women to have the opportunity to express their grief, pain, and suffering with other women who have experienced abortion.

During each meeting we will listen to each other's stories, read from God’s Word, pray and learn to apply Scriptures for healing, forgiveness, and peace in Jesus Christ. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we believe that God’s Holy Word, the Bible, provides all the instruction and counseling we need for faith, forgiveness, and healing through the power of His Holy Spirit.

The book “Living in His Forgiveness” by Sandy Day will also be used to read aloud some encouraging testimonies of women who found God’s grace, healing, and forgiveness and to learn how to apply Scripture to our lives.

Meetings are held on Mondays at 7:00pm in the 123 Conference Room, second floor of Calvary Old Bridge. If you are interested in attending you can send an email to

If you need more information or prefer one-on-one counseling please email